The Research Centre in Architecture, Urban Landscape and Design (CIAUD) of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FA-ULisboa), the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), invite the academic community to contribute to the INTERNATIONAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS PHI 2019: “INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY AND FANTASY” in order to promote the scientific debate on its diverse cultural, social and artistic manifestations.
Only abstracts and communications related to the Congress themes will be accepted. The communication proposals will be subject to double-blind peer review.
The official language of the congress will be English.
Requirements for full paper / abstract submission:
-The deadline to submit a full paper, abstract and keywords will be January 31st, 2019.
- All files should be sent to the email address:
- By the end of February 2019, the authors receive the answer from the Scientific Committee on the acceptance of communications, based on the double-blind peer-review system.
- The articles MUST contain a reflection on one or more of the concepts "INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY AND FANTASY".
- The communications must be original, not previously presented or published in any other scientific meetings, and must agree with the available template.
- Abstracts and Full Papers are to be written in Standard British English. Regardless of the scientific relevance of the submitted paper, it will not be accepted if it fails linguistic quality. The Organising Committee will not be responsible for any linguistic revision. Therefore, all authors are responsible for the revision of their texts before its sending.
- The Abstracts must summarise the key aspects of the full paper, highlighting the goals and conclusions of the paper. At the end of the Abstract, keywords must be selected in order to provide a clear and easy search. Abstracts maximum length will be 1.550 characters including blank spaces (between 200 and 220 words).
- The Full Paper (including Abstract, Images, Tables, Graphics, Quotations, Notes and Bibliographical References) must be written according to the provided template in Microsoft Word® format and after that saved as a PDF document. Each document cannot exceed 6 Mb.
- A separate file must include a short CV of the author, also in Microsoft Word® format and in PDF format, with a maximum of 300 characters (including spaces). The file must contain the express authorisation to be published online.
- All files must be identified with the author’s name and content (ex: a.silva_paper.doc; a.silva_curriculum.doc)
- Depending on the nature of the work, figures may be embedded in the text or incorporated at the end of the paper. The maximum number of figures per paper is four (4). Figures tables and charts must be sequentially numbered. A concise caption must be provided. Tables and Charts (only greyscale) will be added to the text the same way as the images. The author has the sole responsibility for obtaining the expressed authorisation to use all images, tables and charts subjected to copyright.
- The full article (including abstract, pictures, tables, charts (all only in shades of grey), quotes, notes and bibliography) should not exceed 8 (eight) pages (any additional pages will be subject to an extra charge) and cannot be less than 4 (four) pages.
- Quotations and Bibliographical References must follow APA 6th style.
- Please, download the abstract/full paper template
- Each author may not propose more than 2 (two) papers.
All accepted papers shall be published in the PHI Book Series with ISBN code ( with the same title as the Congress. The book will be published as CHAM production, and it will indicate as sponsors (among others) the following academic and scientific organisations: FCT, CIAUD-FAUL, FCSH-UNL.
After the Congress, authors may publish the AM (Accepted Manuscript) in Institutional Repositories, with an embargo of 12 months to become Open Access. Abstracts and Keywords are not subjected to the embargo and may be published in social media.
The PHI series is being evaluated to become indexed in the most important scientific databases, such as Thomson Reuters, ISI, Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, ELSEVIER Products, SCOPUS, CrossRef, ProQuest, EBSCO.
All participants will receive a copy of the book during the Congress as well as a token to the online book. All authors with accepted paper must sign a declaration according to common creative licence and renouncing individual copyrights.